'A Picture Paints a Thousand Words'
Some of my Concept scribbles & drawings.
They are quick & intended to capture the mood for a scene & are mainly for showing initial ideas to the Director. Because they are quick & not precious, changes can be quickly & easily made to view points, lighting ideas or the design itself.
The Concepts can, as required, be made to a much higher standard by a Concept Artist under my supervision.
They are incredibly valuable when they are describing the relationship between built set & VFX extensions.

Erebus & Terror at dusk with a snow dog in the sky (Halo around the sun due to frozen ice particles in the air)

Men in the rigging in the Unnamed straight

Clock tower int. Timeless space.

Erebus & Terror at dusk with a snow dog in the sky (Halo around the sun due to frozen ice particles in the air)